No Excuses

by | Nov 6, 2017

(This piece was such a blessing that I asked Gerhard Papenfus’ permission to place it on my blog. Trust it will also be a blessing to you. Nico)

Within the current South African political context we are constantly confronted with information which points to a very bleak future. The situation we find ourselves in, if not viewed from God’s perspective, will surely paralyse us.

I want to share with you two pieces from God’s word which steadfastly indicates that what is happening around us is no excuse for us to depart from that which God has called us to do.


In Matt. 24: 45 and 46 Jesus says the following: “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the Master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time. It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns”.

To God, no obstacle is big enough to serve as an excuse not to fulfill your purpose. That includes being a very small minority in a country with a very hostile government.

In the well known passage about the talents (Matt. 25: 14-30), the man who hid his talent because he ‘was afraid’, received no sympathy from the master. The message is clear: no matter what we might contemplate as a sufficient reason for not doing what we are called to do, living the ‘abundant life’ we are called to live, will stand up to Gods scrutiny.

Jesus has called us, chose us – regardless of what is happening around us – “to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last”! (John 15:16). Thus, God calls us to make the kind of contribution the enemy, in whatever form it presents itself, cannot interfere with. It is this ‘fruit’ which will feed the world; without which those in our sphere of influence will staff. We dare not withhold it.

Here’s the key, given to us in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit: apart from me you can do nothing” – nothing! – whether in good times or in bad times.

Whilst not ignoring what is happening around us, let us value it for what it is; it is overwhelmingly incomparable to the indwelling Christ, the only source of abundant, powerful living.


  1. Anton

    It is only by the grace of the Almighty God that we can find strength and courage, regardless of our circumstances. If ever there was a time to be courageous, through Christ that strengthens us, it is now. Thank you for this wonderful encouragement. It is just what I needed today!

  2. Mias Strauss

    Dankie vir die

  3. Piet

    I agree and the tools is to be found in Deuterenomium .

  4. Jan

    Thank you Nico_x000D_
    We have to understand (and remember) our role as the distributors of His Grace we so undeservedly receive in abundance. Let there be Light!

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