One only needs to read the newspapers, look at the financial statistics, and talk to people to realise our country is in serious trouble. Negativity abounds on all fronts, and as we continue on this destructive road, it will eventually become a self-fulfilling prophesy. How sad … as I believe it can be so different.
I love the Book of Isaiah in the Bible. The nation of Israel is called back to God and pointed to the Messiah. In one section a verse reminds the reader to “forget’’ and in another to “remember”. Isaiah is as relevant today as it was in 700 B.C.
I am to forget the former things, the negative things that happened to me. Forgetting implies forgiving … because God is going to do a new thing.
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” (Isaiah 43: 18 and 19)
Yet, whilst forgetting the (negative) former things, God also urges us to remember the former things:
“Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me … Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure … ‘’ (Isaiah 46: 9 and 10b)
We must remember how God carried us during difficult times and how He showered us with goodness and mercy. But above all, we must remind ourselves of the fact that His purpose will stand, no matter what. (Isaiah 46: 10b)
Why then do we fear what politicians and mere mortals are saying? Why do we listen to the world’s never- ending cacophony of voices when God explicitly says, “I am He that comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass, that you forget the Lord your Maker?” (Isaiah 51:12)
God can do “awesome things that we do not expect” while we “wait for Him.” (Isaiah 64:3-4) Yes! I believe it with my whole heart!
Let us therefore take Jesus’ words seriously and consider carefully how we listen (Luke 8: 18) and remember that “there is no majestic mountain without a valley, no birth without pain.” (Daniel Crawford)
So let us seek Jesus with all our heart – “If you seek Him, He will be found by you …” (1 Chronicles 28: 9b) and as we make our way out of the valley … the mountain before us will become a plain. (Zachariah 4: 7)
Thanks Nico I always appreciate your interpretation of His word
My heart exactly! Thank you for putting the truth so beautifully and relevantly into words!
Thanks uncle Nico_x000D_
You have changed my view of what is relevant again. God bless
Sjoe. Baie dankie Nico! Blessings vir jou
Thanks Nico, a powerful Word for us to feast on. You are anointed by God for this ministry. It spoke to me in a powerful way…
Thank you for a Great read Nico! _x000D_
God provides comfort through your message to me._x000D_
Very truthful, I hope more people will read this and understand it. They may not even be aware that they have been obeying scripture….. as never before like now have south Africans been seeking “Him” interceding for our Country…..from the highest judicial bench in the Country to individual homes…….”He” will be found…….we just need to continue seeking…..without despair.
A very timely reminder. Thank you Nico