A monument of unbelief

by | Apr 30, 2013

Now and again I make notes in the daily devotionals that I read about pressing matters that I may pray about. The past week I saw some notes I made a year ago while we were looking at temporary classrooms to finish our high school. I remember the temporary asbestos classrooms (of all things) we sat in during my Primary School years and how hot they were in summer and how cold they were in winter.

Last year we needed to construct the next phase of the high school with very little money (R 27’000) and whenever I prayed about the problem, I felt God encouraging me with these words, “you must never doubt, never worry, but step by step, the way to freedom must be trodden. This means no worry, no anxiety, but it does not mean no effort……. how often, when sometimes you little know it, do I go before you to prepare the way, to soften a heart here, to overrule there.” (God Calling 24 April).

As we looked at the temporary classrooms at various factories, I had an enormous unease and a battle was taking place between ‘taking a bold step in faith’ and building proper classrooms or ‘play it safe’ and opt for the less costly option and construct temporary classrooms.

But who was going to pay for the construction? During this time God was working in my heart and reminded me of what Bruce Wilkinson said in his book The Dream Giver (p96) that one must be very careful that your need for comfort, wealth, being well off and the good life, prevent God’s vision from becoming a reality (author liberties taken). Our family decided to cash in our savings and investments as I wrote in a previous blog to construct the 2nd phase which was completed in January 2013.

This month the contractors again started moving in to build the third and final phase of the High School which will include an admin block; 8 classrooms and a student centre – far bigger than what I could have ever imagined only 12 months ago. As I look back, I can testify that God has indeed gone before me and prepared the way, softening a heart here and overruled there and took what we had and multiplied it. God is an expert in the multiplication game … remember the loaves and fishes?

And the temporary classrooms? What about them? Had I walked in fear and not in faith, they would have been a monument to my own unbelief.

Thank you Jesus that by your Grace You have helped me to remember our journey together and overcome my fears, that you took me as You promised by my right hand and led me on the path of faith. Faith in you Lord Jesus, who is not too deaf to hear or who’s arm too short to help. Thank you Lord that over the years I have seen You work in the hearts of kings, so that I may know that you are God …. “We have all benefited from the rich blessings He brought to us – blessings upon blessings heaped upon us!” (John 1:16 Life Application Bible)

“Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!” (Matt. 6:8) Then why should you ask? So that you may get to know Him. (My Utmost for His Highest April 27).

May we ask according to His will every day ….. and get to know Him more intimately ….. every day.


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