I knelt before the Lord this morning. I had so many questions.
Why Lord … has my wife, Anita, been struggling with her health for so many years now?
Why Lord … don’t You just heal her? We have seen You touch her miraculously in many ways, but why is she not completely healed, Lord?
Why Lord … do I have so many friends and their family members battling with ill health, cancer, strange diseases, depression, finances, businesses that just don’t want to get off the ground, bankruptcy and a host of other problems?
Why Lord … have you allowed so many of my friends to die?
Why Lord? Why?
After my time in prayer (and all my questions), the first devotional I read was Streams in the Desert (25 September).
After The Frost (Brackets added, my own.)
(Why have you forgotten me?)
Why must I go about mourning? (Ps 42:9)
“Canst thou answer this, believer? Canst thou find any reason why thou art so often mourning instead of rejoicing? Why yield to gloomy anticipations? Who told thee that the night would never end in day? Who told thee that the winter of thy discontent would proceed from frost to frost, from snow and ice, and hail, to deeper snow, and yet more heavy tempest of despair? Knowest thou not that day follows night, that flood comes after ebb, that spring and summer succeed winter? Hope thou then! Hope thou ever! for God fails thee not.” — C. H. Spurgeon
My second devotional reading was from God Calling (25 September).
Come and Stay
“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
“Come for rest, but stay for rest too. Stop all feverish haste and be calm and untroubled. Rest knows no fear.”
I came to the Lord this morning burdened with many questions, and in turn He answered me and (at the same time) encouraged and uplifted me, giving me rest. All I had to do was come to Him.
So come. It’s an open invitation.
Nico en Anita_x000D_
Baie dankie dat julle ‘n pad met die Here loop en in opregtheid julle smeekgebede met ons en ander deel._x000D_
Mag ons Vader in Sy genade julle baie naby wees elke dag voortgaan om julle te dra.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging message. I needed this today God is sovereign and faithful. He always provides even when it seems that our backs are against the wall; he comes through.
May the God of hope fill you (and Anita) with all joy and peace as you (continue) to trust in Him (my friend). Rom 15:13
Thank you for sharing your heart today, I also share with you Rom 5 v 3-5 (please read “The Message” translation), if God was not sovereign, why would we trust His whole Word? Live love!
Either we trust Him or we don’t. I trust Him.
We will not have answers to our many questions, this side of heaven. But there come times of acceptance and receiving so much grace. Until we ask again 🙂