Follow Me, and enjoy life to the full

by | Mar 4, 2024

Will, taking Nico and Anita on a side-car sightseeing trip in New York.

Will, taking Nico and Anita on a side-car sightseeing trip in New York.

It has been a long time since my last blog – my apology. It’s been a difficult year battling with my and Anita’s health issues. When you are in pain you aren’t always ‘up-to-it’ to do what you have to do. But God knows our hearts. He is still in control even if we don’t think so or feel like praying – man is not what he sometimes is (pain / distress / tired / angry / disappointed / alone) but man is what he normally is – “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart” (Isaiah 29:13.)

You know my mantra by now, and how strongly I feel about putting time aside, every day, in meeting with God – praying and then studying His word, making notes to encourage not only me in my walk with God but also to remind our family members, staff and friends, on what happened years ago on that specific day, and slowly I begin to see God’s pattern for my life and His righteous acts.

“Remember your journey …. that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord”
(Micah 6:5-8)

How easy it is to forget God’s promises when we record them in numerous journals without referring to them to remember our journey. How I wished I had a 10-year journal that would enable me to make a little note during my worship time and be able to read the notes that I have made on that specific day over the years. It was unthinkable until I started doing so 15 years ago. I was so amazed what I saw that I could not keep this secret to myself. I started working with my team on producing a 10-year journal*, with the belief that it will inspire people to seek God every day with their whole heart (Jermiah 29:13) and should something specific happen or verse or promise press on their heart, to make a note, and sometimes only to understand the meaning years later! And as you read the notes that you have made year after year (looking back and remembering your journey) you slowly start realizing God’s amazing rhythm in your life, which will greatly encourage you as you start to understand His Masterplan for your life. As a friend shared with me – “your journal has completely changed my quiet time and relationship with God.”

God said to Moses that he must “Be ready in the morning, then come up..” (Exodus 34:2-3)

The morning is a critically important time of the day. You must never face the day until you have faced God, nor look into the face of others until you have looked into His. You cannot expect to be victorious if you begin your day in your own strength alone. Do not meet with others, even the members of your own family, until you have first met with the great Guest and honored Companion of your life – Jesus Christ.

Meet with Him alone and regularly, having His Book of counsel open before you. Those who have accomplished the most for God in this world are those who have been found on their knees early in the morning.
(Streams in the Desert daily devotional – 2 March.)

Come my friend, join me in seeking Him every morning and as you start seeing His rhythm in your life, and how personally engaged He is in your life, you will be encouraged, have hope and strengthened faith as you start enjoying life to the full – because you know He is in control, no matter what difficulty you are going through or that might lie ahead.


*This 522 page 10-year journal is only available in South Africa and can be ordered directly from any Ear Institute or from or visit #Discover


  1. SJK

    Looking forward to your 10 year recorded journal and how God blessed a whole community due to your commitment to God. May we all be as committed.

  2. Wayne Staab

    I would guess that sometimes you wonder if you are reaching anyone with your messages. I can assure you that they get to me and make me think. I, for one, am thankful for your blog.

  3. Mike Wannenurg

    Dankie Nico, Jou reis is merkwaardig maar so het elkeen van ons ‘n unieke stap agter die man van Nasaret. Vir een persoon meer gelyktes en ‘n ander meer opdraandes.maar mag ons hou elkeen die eindpunt in die oog hou. Bly wel.

  4. Jannie de Goede

    Dear Nico, I am always inspired by your journey with God over so many years. Your vision for the 10-Year Journal is not only innovative but profoundly meaningful. It’s incredible how recording our spiritual journey can illuminate God’s faithfulness in our lives. Thank you!

  5. Simon Matlhare

    Hi Nico,

    It is indeed a long time, may the Almighty heal you and Anita so that you can be a blessing to us through your testimonies.
    Get well soon.

  6. Jacques Lourens

    Baie Dankie Nico!

    Ek is verstom hoe ek teruggeruk word op die regte pad met vandag se dagstuk, en toe in Effesiers, waar Paulus se “Julle wat so maklik elke sondige gedagte uitgevoer het sonder om te dink…”

  7. Mbogo

    What a remarkable labour of love!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  8. Celeste

    Stones of remembrance, as Joshua did.

    Thanks for the reminder.


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