Don’t cry in the ears of friends…Part II

by | Aug 22, 2016

I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?

So many people I know are going through really difficult times.

All of a sudden many of my friends are struck by various (and strange) illnesses, including Anita, some by serious financial issues and others with relationship issues. The economic uncertainty is also not helping – what is going on? Like them, there are times that I feel like standing with my back against the wall.

Where shall I go? What shall I do? Who can I run to? In which friend’s ear can I cry? Restless nights followed until I read Ps 30:5(b) “…weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” and I remembered the quote by Robert Schuller:

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.

And then I started to understand. As the seasons change, so difficult times are also…but a season.

In my prosperity I said, “This is forever; nothing can stop me now! The Lord has shown me His favour! He has made me steady as a mountain. Then Lord, you turned your face away from me and cut off your river of blessings. Suddenly my courage was gone; I was terrified and panic-stricken. I cried to you O Lord; oh how I pled….hear me Lord; oh have pity and help me.” Then He turned my sorrow into joy! He took away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy so that I might sing glad praises to the Lord instead of lying in silence in the grave. O Lord my God, I will keep on thanking you forever! (Ps 30:6-12)

Tough times is God’s way of getting my attention, getting me back on my knees in prayer…crying into His ear, rather than the ears of my friends. Making my double need, my double plea and trusting Him for the future, whatever the future might hold.

I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth…the Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. (Ps. 121) 


  1. Gerrit Wolfaardt

    Thank you so much for posting this piece. As a man aqainted with adversity, especially in this past year, i appreciate your advice from the Lord to look only to him, not your friends or family in times of trouble. Of course your friends or family may be a big help, but they can’t change your destiny.
    I look foreard to your next blog already!

  2. Pastor Tek Pradad Rijal

    Love to read your blog
    I am a pastor From Nepal

  3. Mike Wannenburg

    Amen and may I add we sometimes have so many Idols in our lives that the pnly way the Lord can get His share of our Time and Attention is by bringing us to a standstill,by any means He deems necessary.

  4. Philip

    Dankie dit gebeur soms dat n mens raad vrae by ander nie by God wat hemel en aarde gemaak het n mens vergeet .Dankie vir die bemoediging en vreugde vir hierdie dag

  5. Tommy Roux

    Hi Nico, thank you for yet another confirmation of God’s grace and goodness. We all have friends, but…..we all NEED God!!

  6. TANIA


  7. Grizelda Steyn

    Hierdie boodskap is n “blessing” vir my en wat ek tans (en altyd nodig het om te onthou) baie nodig het. Baie baie dankie hiervoor! Ek vat hierdie boodskap vir my ook..Grizelda

  8. Marius


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